Saturday, March 6, 2010


Sometimes I catch myself expecting a lot from others.

That can be bad of course, but I find it even worse when I expect too much from myself.
Sometimes there is a constant critical voice in my head: 'Do this, do that, remember to..., you must finish,,,, how can you.... etc, etc.'... and although I try to keep up, I do need the voice to be quiet!!

It can be quite overwhelming to look around the house and see how many places need a gentle touch. And realizing that there are only 24 hours and a certain amount of energy available in a day.

Luckily I have learned a lot of ways to quiet down the voice.
I can replace it with a more gentle voice telling me to relax, to enjoy life, it's ok not to be busy all the time, it's ok to see friends, even in my cluttered house.
So I survive, and I keep up the good spirits.

But I also need to deal with my expectations to others.
I ask myself: If I send an sms or a mail to someone, can I expect to get a fast answer?
Yes, of course, I can expect anything.

Do I always get a fast answer?
No, of course not.

The issue is not, that I do not get a fast answer.
It is more about dealing with the fact that we have different needs, different timing and different opinions about when to do what. Respect.

Being a person who have always tried to be available, run faster, do better and smarter and so on and on, I am about to learn to expect less from myself.  And from others.

Wish me luck!


  1. I have great problems with that voice. It just won't shut up! Here is a poem by Leonard Cohen eller med andra ord en liten dikt av Leonard Cohen som heter Wish me luck!


    a fresh spiderweb
    like a spinnaker
    across the open window
    and here he is
    the little master
    sailing by
    on a thread of milk
    wish me luck
    I haven’t finished anything
    in a long time

  2. Tak snella Kerstin!

    Ask the voice not to shut up, but to speak nicer things to you.
    Beautiful poem.

  3. We are human beings, not human doings, and in every way we are made up of many colours, some dark, some light, some demanding, some gentle.

    The dark and demanding are necessary for us to take action and the gentle and spiritual are for nurturing.

    When we accept all that we are, then we can accept all that is in others.

