What is healing?
Can a lovely conversation be healing?
I think so. I experienced it today.
I talked on Skype with my good friend Roi Gal-Or.
We had a wonderful conversation about loosing, loving and feeling emotions in general.
Since my husband died in May last year, I have often felt a kind of hard to describe emptiness.
But I do not only feel emptiness. I feel lots of joy and happiness being able to do new things in my life, that I did not do before. I have met wonderful 'new' people who give me lots of fun and good conversations.
And to explain all that to Roi, I used a metaphor from the music world.
"It is as if one my inner strings is not being played anymore," I said.
We talked about how we can have many strings, and they can all played by different people. If there is a resonance, it is great!
And when we meet new people we find new strings, that perhaps we did not know existed.
"Nothing is wrong with sadness, frustration, anger and tension", said Roi. "We just have to learn to live with it. Be present with the strings. Accept that there are strings and notes that will never be played again. It's like remembering a note and a song of a certain time."
Like I have to accept that every period of my life forms a new chapter in 'the story of my life'.
There should be no judging, just observing - and telling the story.
And it is ok.
Two years ago I joined a course at Emerson College in England, where Roi and Liz Turkel had a workshop called 'The courage to love'. Since that meeting with a wonderful group of people, I have been more aware of the many many different aspects of love. And how you can love different people in different ways.
Unfortunately, sometimes the way we play each other's strings can turn into a false tune that hurts, but mostly it creates fine music.
"People meet and sweet music fills the heart", said the Danish poet Jens August Schade.
I think I know what he meant.
I love life, I hate to think of the alternative.