Saturday, October 16, 2010

Week 4

leaves peace
for listening
to the emptiness
in silence.
Silence fills
the gap
between me
and myself.

the song
of the bird
- singing.

leaves me

 This little poem was written after an exercise where we communicated with a partner - in silence.

Week 4 has been a time og going inside ourselves. Speaking our truth, who we are, what is our voice?
The theme has been folktales.
Now we have moved from creation tales, through stories about Gods and Goddesses, to animal stories and now stories about people.
We are all moved by the stories in one way or another. And somehow it seems, that we are all getting the stories that we need for healing old patterns, unresolved problems and shadow sides of ourselves or even blind spots.

   This week I should tell about a man who was very good at counting. Anyone who knows me, also know that I'm not particularly good at algebra. And remembering all these numbers would be a challenge to me. It was an Arabian story, so of course there were camels in the story. But being who I am, from the flat land in Denmark, I couldn't really connect to this story about a man counting camels.
When I set out to work with the story, I remembered my grandfather, who was a kind man and always good at algebra. So I took the story to my home, where I was born, and added horses instead of camels.
And then I told the story my way. Then it worked for me. And I have a new story to tell, with numbers in it!

If this is the answer, what is the question?
 This week has also given more to think about. I would love to be able to do much more storytelling, work with the stories for healing.
When we find things in the stories that touch us somehow, we get a chance to reframe 'the story of our life', and tell a new story. For every knot we loosen, there is a chance of feeling better inside.
So I ask myself about how I can spead the word, that it is possible to acheive a change, to be happy, to accept who you are and to live in good contact with yourself.
I hope I myself am a proof of that by being honest about how the stories work on me.
More will follow...

1 comment:

  1. Somestimes the course feels like therapy, doesn't it? It is a tough course. And a deep one. Take care of yourself.
